Thursday, November 4, 2010


Quintessential Jeff.

Quintessential reunion.
Quintessential Autumn.
Quintessential Greenleaf.
Quintessential Oklahoma.

I think Jeff knows how to relax and enjoy life.
This was the one and only picture I took, but doesn't it say it all?
Does it make you want to go back?

I don't know who had the most fun, Benjamin or Michael.
I don't know who was most scared Cathy with her snake
or Mike with the Rangers game.
Did anyone murder a snake besides Cathy?
I know Jean probably cooked the most.
Best cook?
I ain't touching that one.
Is there a bad cook in the bunch?
I don't know who ate the most.
Daniel and Jacquie did the most "rain hiking."
Julia walked every morning.
Sometimes with Jacquie and sometimes with Nora.
Avery and Maddie did the most Kleenex art.
Maddy very politely told Avery, not Jan, that Jan was fat as a fish.
Jerry was the sickest -- again.
Andrew talked to everyone, I think.
And brought the most books.
I accused Nora of bringing a pod Andrew.
Mark fell the furtherest, one picnic table down.
Amber had the best fall display, besides Mark.
Jan missed out on her Hannah ride.
Like a fool.
Did anybody do a wok meal?
Kathy is the hardest working grandmother.
I like my grandmothering style better. It's less-hardworking.
Jordan had the most sparkly things.
Actually I think everything she had sparkled.
Didn't her fishing pole have rhinestones?
I think Jeff always has the best time.
Mike takes the most pictures.
I loved the geese in motion and at rest.
He captured the fog.
Too many dogs to count.
I still like the psycho security guard better than the plumber.
Ann-Lisette cries like she means it.
Martin was back.
Clark's hair wasn't.
Tal was the most relaxed: reading, napping, cooking, insulting.
All the things Tal does well.
Wait a minute I think that describes ALL the reunion attendees.
Julia received multiple compliments on her chili AND her corn salad.
It's official the world is ending -- soon.
Nora and Cathy admitted to getting older.
Some rides in Orlando are no longer fun.
And taking kids to the playground can be exhausting.
Prettiest, Hannah of course.
Quietest might have been Jordan.
Strangers? Two, Ken and Paula. Strangers no more.
BFF Lindsey & Brittany.
BFF Kathy & Jan.
Tolerant husband? Mike. Thanks dude.
Blaine sailed the tallest ship, oops, sorry, wrong trip.
Who besides Marc went to Atlanta and back during this reunion?
We barely got to know GG, so Cara please bring him back.
A thirty-seven minute assessment isn't enough.
Cara is more beautiful than ever.
Did Lynn or Jackson fish the most?
Was I the only one who went to the happy place in Braggs?
I suspect Brittany and Lindsey made the most trips to Braggs.
Summer and Jonathan held hands the most.
Janice and Art were missed the most.
Not nearly enough fire sitting time with two Oklahoma storms chasing us away two evenings in a row.

Hugs were plentiful, fun, friendly, warm, loving, Texan, rain soaked, fire smoky, and best of all family inspired. There wasn't one too few or one too many, they were all perfect. Fantastic hugs.

I had fried okra compliments of Cathy.

Mark's design on the tee shirts was great.
Very graphic. Fantastic dude.

It either took Marc eighteen years or thirty seconds to figure out how to get a photo of the complete family. We will have more crane shots in the future. Fantastic dude.

Lynn parked her truck one foot from Kathy's door so I didn't have to scurry in the rain. I think she would have driven me onto the porch at the cabin to keep me out of the rain if I hadn't stopped her. Fantastic dudette.

Janice knows I failed at being a surrogate grandmother to Benjamin. He was way too busy. However, I did hear the plot for the movie Monsters and Aliens, is that the right name, complete with dramatic pauses and sound effects. The complete plot with lots of dramatic pauses and lots of sound effects, and just a tad bit of Benjamin disgruntlement that I didn't always keep all the myriad threads of the plot together to his satisfaction. I still don't know where the mean robots came from or the giant girl went to.

My favorite reunion moment was Michael leaving the playground for an emergency announcement to the fire ring in general that he loved Uncle Jan best.

Jane I think I have already had about 100 compliments on my "sparkly" eyeglass chain.

Jean I asked for recipes this morning and an hour later there were your two.
Ask and ye shall receive. You are amazing. Thanks dudette.

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