Thursday, September 8, 2011

Electric Flu on a Memory Stick

Electric Flu on a Memory Stick

Electric flu on a memory stick
under the weather

Electric flu on a memory stick
dancing around laughing
in merriment
cows come home to roost
lakes glimmer
children play

Electric flu on a memory stick
takes us away
to bygone eras
traveling virgin roads
unseen vistas
faded days

Isn't nature something? Wind, rain, fire in their milder forms takes care of us humans, comfort us. Wind, rain, fire in their extreme forms destroys us

Remember playing with the weather growing up? Running with the wind? Snow forts? Remember how dad would move our beds outside under the trees for those hot Oklahoma summer nights?

Remember the trees? catalpa, ceder, black walnut, oak, elm, mimosa. The magnificent magnolia dad planted. Was that a gift from you Jean?

Growing up in Oklahoma nature we had it soft, soft, soft. Somehow avoiding wind, rain and fire. No tornadoes, volcanoes, monsoons, typhoons, hurricanes or earthquakes. Soft.

My weather this morning is fog!

My friend, Cully, who moved to Florida says it is just like Seattle except 25-30 degrees hotter. How is it like Seattle? It rains every day.

Reflecting on the omnipotence of nature. They say the world's oldest profession is prostitution. I disagree; "In the beginning God created." The world's oldest profession is artist; artist at work, creating. And what a picture was painted. Ants to earthquakes, neutrons to universes, nanoseconds to billion year epochs... And wind, rain and fire for your viewing pleasure. You might as well enjoy today's blip -- and create something.

a poem I created sometime ago, but still love:

The Smoke's Lament

The smoke dreams
of the time it was wood
before the ax-man
before the fire

The smoke dreams
of it's potential
the possibility for growth
before the ax-man
before the fire

The smoke dreams
of substance
a carved mask
a hollowed out drum
a child's cradle

The smoke dreams
of going places

Jeff you asked about chairs on FB for Connor's staff. Chairs will be lovely, however Christian once said he knew people who loved cars, and he knew people who loved bikes, and he knew people who loved boats, but Roger was the only person he knew who loved anything that goes. So chairs would be lovely, but he might be on the go. He does create a go type energy.

Love to all you beautiful people.

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