Sunday, September 4, 2011

Last day of summer

Fall has always been my favorite season. I've never been a summer, go to the beach or lay by the pool type of person... until this year. Yesterday just might have been the last day of summer. I know that's not what the calendar says, but this morning it was 60 something and the high today will begin with an 8 -- if that. College football kicked into high gear yesterday, which should have been a clue of summer's passing, but truthfully I just wasn't paying much attention. For the Harris's, this abrupt transition is the epitome of bitter sweet. Gladly gone are the all day and into the mid evening100+ degree temperatures and the accompanying $600+ electric bills, but sadly, so are the refreshing post yard-work jumps in the pool and even the hurry home from work before dinner dips. Sure, we'll be able to swim a bit more in the late afternoons and use the hot tub, but summer swimming is over. So, the time in the pool will be replaced with college football, Greenleaf, the fall classic (playoff basebal), Halloween, Thanksgiving, cool crisp days and nights, falling leaves, camp fires, and all of the color that goes with each of these. Not a bad trade for sure, but this year at our house, for the very first time, it's not a slam dunk.

P.S. Less than 6 weeks to Greenleaf.

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