Friday, September 23, 2011

I'm Wondering

How is Marc's business growing?
Why I told Amanda I would help with mentoring five days after I told her I would never do it again? She did promise me someone easy, a delightful young gentleman, and overtime. Well, reunion is approaching and OT talks, so what the hell?
Why my ankles and knees hurt?
What is worse, 93 degrees temperature or 93 degrees of humidity?
It is MUGGY today!
Why Ian, who has shuttled dozens of folks to and from the airport, doesn't have a ride when he is about to fly off to FL?
Will I ever get to FL?
If I will actually make cookies, jambalaya, and get my hair cut today?
How Nora is liking her new hotel?
Andrew his new apartment?
If Roger and Stephanie can get any busier?
Last night Stephanie came home, hugged Connor and left for a five mile run. Then she came home, grabbed a hot dog, hugged Connor and left for a homeowners meeting.

Connor joined the menfolk in the garage last night as the big guys plotted their 100 mile bike ride for Sunday. He grabbed his helmet and then couldn't decide which of his two bikes to use, but he was fully engaged in the bike stuff activity and wasn't going to be left out.

What is Jean cooking?
Will the republican jockeying campaign get any more amusing?
If politics can scare Americans any more than they already do?
If Mark would like the film Lourdes? About Lourdes miracles.
If I will ever send Emma a reading list?
Can Jane be anymore elegant?
When will Art get back on the golf course?
How many miles Julia and Jeff have walked this year?
I know Julia will have the statistics.
How many miles Dan, Jacquie and Benjamin have walked this year?
When does the Muppet movie come out?

Can the Taylor's love their children any more?
How much fun will I have watching Connor at reunion?
What cabin will we Washingtonians have?
How entertaining will the four now five year olds be?
If Michael will remember I'm his favorite Uncle Jan?
How will Connor like turkeys, deer, wagon rides, balloon animals and snakes?
What Jeff will have in his Snack Stash?
And how long will it take Connor to discover the freedom of it?

How many steps from mundane to profound?
Will I ever understand chirality?
How does life work?
When will we connect with alien life forms?
Are we an alien life form?
Have you listened, lately, to Harry Nilsson's The Point?
"Hello, is their anybody out there?"
What will replace oil?
What would world peace look and feel like? Imagine.
Six Degrees of Separation -- I believe in that.

Back to the mundane:
I'm going to watch a movie, Himalaya, take a nap, and go have coffee with Carol.
Screw the cookies and jambalaya.
It's 93 degrees humidity.

May you have a nap-ish sort of day.

1 comment:

  1. We looked up chirality and were wondering whether you were referring to "handedness", or the issue of asymmetric molecular quantum mechanics. If it is the latter, Marc Taylor and I may take a shot at teaching you. If it is handeness, just wait and ask God.
