Friday, September 2, 2011

Out Of The Rut and Into The Mix

Things change, complacency gets shaken up, and Virgo energy infuses me.

The new couch shook up my living room in the best way. It sits high and firm and comfortable.
I worked five days in a row and remembered why I'm giddy over my three day weekends.
I helped mentor at work and it wore me out. I don't think I will be training any more.
I met, held, and cuddled new baby Olivia and admired her closet full of pink fluff. Everything from Italian designer dresses and shoes to the white, red and pink tutu's. I'm afraid "baby girl lust" is alive and well in this ole granny's heart.

Connor visited and Connor visiting at granny's does stir the pot a bit. He sees it all and goes for it; with elan, with gusto, with the perseverance of a two year old. Nothing and I mean nothing is below his radar. He was always seven steps ahead of me pulling out, checking out, touching, exploring, jabbering -- remember my house is about as kid-proof as a junk yard. Anything that could cut, poison, choke, or fall on his head was imminently desirable. Granny had to say no a few times but luckily he didn't cry he just gabbed something else interesting; glass flutes, scissors, pill bottles, plastic wrappers, rocks, World War II shell casing. On second thought maybe I'm not quite ready for a new wee babe in the mix.

Cruising home from work, at a modest 60mph, I was engulfed in a boom that felt like it was personal and aimed at me. It was ready to take me out. I exploded from my complacency and thought my car had blown, my tire had blown, my brain had blown, or all three simultaneously had blown. At 60 mph it's hard to check out where the boom emanated from, but the south bound lane exploded in dust type debris. I finally decided a truck had hit an express lane barrier because I saw a truck, with a police car, lights blazing, hot on his tail, in my rear view mirror. Like a said it's hard to get all the visual facts at 60 mph. Yanked me right out of my rut, I was quite attentive on the rest of my commute.

My birthday Son's Dinner never happened. An Ian's birthday Son's Dinner never happened, so last night we did something different. We all met at Ram's in Northgate and had a great talky watch Connor eat, smile, and giggle Son's Dinner. We caught up on Roger and Stephanie's next trip (Victoria for an anniversary trip with The Connorman,) Christian is not seeing any girl now, and Ian's possible trip to Orlando FL -- work related. To help set up a new Something Silver at Disney World.

Me? I tried fig yogurt.

I'm going to the reunion thanks to Jerry and Jane's generous offer of a plane ticket.
I'm going to Jeff and Julia's for a visit after the reunion. They promised me I wouldn't have to walk and I can smoke on the deck. Crystal Bridges and AQ Chicken here I come.



in a forest of time
waiting, waiting, waiting
for re-birth
and connection

regret fragmented
aloneness sizzling into nothingness

electric flu on a memory stick
delivers life

Thought for today: Everything works out in the end, if it hasn't worked out yet it's not the end.

fun movie: The Road to Broadway
inspiring: Invictus
history: The Conspirator
weirdly wonderful, beautiful and mysterious, German: The White Ribbon
Romanian: Police, adjective
an oldie but a goodie: The Commitments

Now I want to go back to Virgo energy for a bit. Thanks to my friend Lynn.
Virgo Energy:
work to be done
take stock of past
prepare for future
pay attention
cleanse, purify
allow more beauty to flow
where do you want to apply your love, devotion and work.

Sometimes life is Virgo-ish.

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