Friday, December 11, 2009

Blog Inspired Ode to Differences

We had an animated discussion at book club Wednesday night. Was Martha Beck who wrote Expecting Adam, to quote Sandy's blog, "an inspirational strong survivor or a whining child neglector"? Mary's argument against was balanced, eloquent, and intelligent. I was almost lost, but I stuck to my guns and gave a sloppy debate right back. Many points rang true to me and many points rang false to Mary. It made me think of differences between book club readers, nations, religions, and families.

How did we all get so different -- the mystery of genetic codes. The artful arrangement by a creative Creator to make us uniquely ourselves. Some nurse, some teach, some grow things, some master computers or numbers, some maneuver thousands of pounds of goods across treacherous roadways, some maneuver thousands of pounds of other more organic stuff. But we are family, humans, and belong to a vast world of differences.

I love being me, not the sharpest crayola in the box, just really colorful, purple velvet shoes and all. Is there a right and wrong way to be a Taylor? Tis the Season to reflect on good will toward men, compassion, all the higher intentions and ideals of man: Feed the poor. Love thy neighbor. Recycle. Stop global warming. Make the world a better place.

Be congruent, trust your interior guidance, leave life with as few regrets as possible by living life with as few regrets as possible. Make the world a better place by being a better, unique, original, different, God inspired you. God bless our similarities and differences.

Tis the Season to accept the funny fat man who wears weird clothes and sneaks into houses anyway he can.

Quote from my friend Lynn's blog:
"The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same." Carlos Castaneda

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