Friday, December 4, 2009

Email from Jerry

Jerry sent me a email with his and Jane's activities in it. I told him it would make a fabulous blog and did he give me permission to post it. He did and here it is...

Jerry is now officially a
The Spirit of Maxine author. Dated December 2, and titled Stuff. Thank you Jerry for letting me share. You put my pitiful reading to shame.


How is the world of Mukilteo? Things here are good. Going to Arkansas for breakfast this weekend. Amber is down to 2 more Mondays of class and then graduation. Then we're off to Florida for a short cruise. Amber and her family decided that's what they wanted for Christmas, so we're going. The only bad part is Marc and his family are not going. We will have our family Christmas on New Year weekend.

Blaine is through with football this year, still in Boy Scouts. Going to Seabase Scout Camp in Florida, on a sailing vessel, in July.
Hannah started basketball practice, and all social activities she can arrange.
Taylor, school, work, theater. Don't see him as much as we used to, but he is growing up.
Clark, Jordan and Jack are all doing basketball. A busy time at the Taylor household.

Sounds like you had a GREAT Thanksgiving. All the Family was here Thursday and Friday then Marc and family went to Norman on Saturday. Amber went to studying and Jane and I loafed. Ate Thanksgiving at Mimi's. Homemade pies for desert. Amber is trying to get through school and studying and studying. We'll cook next year.

Jane and I spent four days at Greenleaf, reading and not much else. The truck didn't move for three days. These are the books I read or finished since the family reunion.

Galloway, Steven, Cellist of Sarajevo
I really enjoyed this book. People just living and surviving, doing for others through the fear and uncertainty of life during war. The humanity shown during all the inhumanity.

Solzhenitsyn, Alexsandr I The Gulag Archipelago (Part 1 and 2)
Speaks for itself.

King, David ,Vienna 1814
The peace conference after the defeat of Napoleon. The division of Europe and the longest period of peace in Europe in recorded history.

Lenda, Heather, If You Lived Here, I'd Know Your Name
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I am reading it again in small segments. It could be a while before you get it back. I could live there.

Atkinson, Rick The Day of Battle
History again. The Italian campaign during World War ll. A lot in the story about Anzio. I believe both Uncle Beaty and Uncle Foster were in the 45th Infantry at Anzio. I am always amazed at how screwed up the military is, especially the US military, but they always win the battles. Amazing.

Lehrer, Jim Eureka
Your suggestion, what does it all mean? Everyone has a mid life crisis? People just handle them differently? I eagerly await your reply.

Twain, Mark Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
An American classic? I finally got to the end. Do I need to read other books or stories of his? He is considered one of the great authors.

McNamer, Deirdre Red Rover
Young, William P The Shack
I read it and Jane read it. There was a lot I wasn't enthused about. But I also got some good from it.
I didn't always agree with him but I think it was a good story.

Herbert, Frank Dune
I liked this book. Probably the first scifi book I have ever read. I may need to read some more.

Gay, Kathlyn Mao Zedong's China
More of a text book than a biography. But a little more knowledge of China.

We are falling behind on movies.

"The Snow Walker" - I was hooking up the tv for instant movies and this is the one I found. An interesting little movie about the North.
"Under the Same Moon" - I liked this movie. A story of illegal immigrants in the US built around a little boy looking for his mother.
"Volver " - I don't know if you like weird movies or not, (ha) but this one is different. If you liked "Flower of Evil" you will like this one. Family secrets seasoned with deception, murder, ghosts.

"The Shadow We Soon Will All Be" - Where did you get this? I didn't see it on netflicks.

I have started "Zhou Enlai - the Last Perfect Revolutionary". Also "The Hobbitt". Jane has "Olive Kitteridge", when she is done I am reading it. Have "Water for Elephants" ready to pick up at the library.

I am adding books to my list faster than I will ever get them read. But we try.
Received "Private Fears in Public Places" and "Separate Lies" from netflix today.

Jane's reading, I'm watching OU basketball. Life in the fast lane.

Take care
Lov Ya
Jerry & Jane

Thank you again, Jerry. It was humbling to read your reading list. Tell Blaine I'm jealous of his upcoming scout adventure on a sailing vessel. How fun will that be? I was almost a cook on a Tall Ship but chickened out at the last minute. Silly me.

As for Mark Twain, the only thing of his I read that I absolutely loved was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, but maybe someone else has an opinion on that.

Have you read
World War Z: An Oral History of The Zombie War, by Max Brooks yet? All of book club is avidly reading and enjoying it even though it is January's selection. We have Christian to thank for that one.

And you didn't mention Vegas, baby, Vegas. How was that?

I'm reading
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, waiting for The Help by Kathryn Stockett from the library and Vanaja from Netflix.

Happy reading, movie watching and Christmas breakfasting to all.

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